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A 3D interactive timeline is a dynamic powerful, engaging, and innovative method for visually communicating a plaintiff’s case. It allows the attorney to compile information regarding their client’s case: medical records, injuries, exhibits, videos, etc., in one compact digital timeline that is easy to navigate. It provides an efficient and aesthetic way to chronologically and cohesively display important information that can span from days to years into an organized single interactive presentation. The 3D interactive is cost effective, allows for minimal custom options and can be presented on an iPad or on a mac platform.

Survey: New “Patient 3D Scan from CT or MRI Data” Software/Product Name


Appealing & 
Memorable for Attorney

Scientific & 
Credible to Jurors

 *Rating scale: 5 (highest) to 0 (lowest)

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(1st, 2nd, & 3rd)

Reveal 3D:
Xact 3D:  
EXACT Image 3D:  
Patient View 3D:  
Diagnostic 3D:  
3D Patient Diagnostics:
Visible Patient 3D:
3D Precision Anatomy:   
MediReplica 3D:  

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