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Doug G. Haring, M.S.

Medical Illustrator, MediVisuals Inc., 2005-present


Master of Science in Medical Illustration
     Medical College of Georgia
     Augusta, Georgia

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts
     Lebanon Valley College
     Annville, Pennsylvania

Resume Highlights:

     Doug Haring Art
     New York, New York and Lancaster, Pennsylvania
     Selected exhibitions include:
           The Joseph Cain Memorial Galleray in Texas
           Albany Museum of Art in Georgia
           Susquehanna Art Museum in Pennsylvania
           DFN Gallery, West Side Gallery and K&E Gallery in New York
           Paintings and drawings included in collections internationally

          Doug Haring Photography
          New York, New York and Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Painting and Drawing Instructor:
         Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
         Delaware College of Art, Wilmington, Delaware