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Skull/Brain Surgeries

Displaying products 1 - 30 of 47 results
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Anterior Temporal Lobectomy - R15397_03Xv1G
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Anterior Temporal Lobectomy - R15397_03Xv1G
Anterior Temporal Lobectomy
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Bifrontal Craniotomy and Cranial Floor Repair - R15828_05XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Bifrontal Craniotomy and Cranial Floor Repair - R15828_05XG
Bifrontal Craniotomy and Cranial Floor Repair
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Bifrontal Craniotomy to Repair Skull Defects - 402225-03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Bifrontal Craniotomy to Repair Skull Defects - 402225-03X
Bifrontal Craniotomy to Repair Skull Defects
Brain Surgery - 106054_02X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Brain Surgery - 106054_02X
Brain Surgery
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Codman Pressure Monitor - R14996_01XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Codman Pressure Monitor - R14996_01XG
Codman Pressure Monitor
free shipping
Cranioplasty to Fill Skull Defect - 200255_07X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Cranioplasty to Fill Skull Defect - 200255_07X
Cranioplasty to Fill Skull Defect
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Craniotomy - 303209_03XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy - 303209_03XG
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Craniotomy and Brain Tumor - 500005-03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Brain Tumor - 500005-03X
Craniotomy and Brain Tumor
free shipping
Craniotomy and Brain Tumor - 500005-04X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Brain Tumor - 500005-04X
Craniotomy and Brain Tumor
free shipping
Craniotomy and Evacuation - 102036_02X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Evacuation - 102036_02X
Craniotomy and Evacuation
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Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural and Subdural Hematomas - 201139_02XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural and Subdural Hematomas - 201139_02XG
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural and Subdural Hematomas
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Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma - 200255_04XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma - 200255_04XG
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma
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Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - 203013_02X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - 203013_02X
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
free shipping
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subdural Hemorrhage - 203102_02X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subdural Hemorrhage - 203102_02X
Craniotomy and Evacuation of Subdural Hemorrhage
Craniotomy and Insertion of Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 203328_02XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Insertion of Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 203328_02XG
Craniotomy and Insertion of Intracranial Pressure Monitor
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Craniotomy and Ventricular Catheter Placement - 200255_03XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy and Ventricular Catheter Placement - 200255_03XG
Craniotomy and Ventricular Catheter Placement
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Craniotomy for Right Parietal Lobectomy for Resection of Devitalized/Hemorrhagic Brain Tissue - 203057_03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy for Right Parietal Lobectomy for Resection of Devitalized/Hemorrhagic Brain Tissue - 203057_03X
Craniotomy for Right Parietal Lobectomy for Resection of Devitalized/Hemorrhagic Brain Tissue
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Craniotomy to Relieve Brain Compression - 201008-04X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy to Relieve Brain Compression - 201008-04X
Craniotomy to Relieve Brain Compression
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Craniotomy, Hematoma Evacuation - 204011_02XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Craniotomy, Hematoma Evacuation - 204011_02XG
Craniotomy, Hematoma Evacuation
free shipping
CT-Guided Stereotactic Drainage of Cyst - 203212_03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
CT-Guided Stereotactic Drainage of Cyst - 203212_03X
CT-Guided Stereotactic Drainage of Cyst
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Electrode Placement to Detect Seizure Source - 101073_03XR
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Electrode Placement to Detect Seizure Source - 101073_03XR
Electrode Placement to Detect Seizure Source
free shipping
Emergency Craniectomy - R14686_09X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Emergency Craniectomy - R14686_09X
Emergency Craniectomy
free shipping
Evacuation of Hemorrhage - 303209_04XG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Evacuation of Hemorrhage - 303209_04XG
Evacuation of Hemorrhage
Hematoma Evacuation - 104011_06ARG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Hematoma Evacuation - 104011_06ARG
Hematoma Evacuation
free shipping
Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 202032_03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 202032_03X
Intracranial Pressure Monitor
free shipping
Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 405050-02X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Intracranial Pressure Monitor - 405050-02X
Intracranial Pressure Monitor
free shipping
ISG Wand Placement in Right Hypothalamus - 601069-01AG
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
ISG Wand Placement in Right Hypothalamus - 601069-01AG
ISG Wand Placement in Right Hypothalamus
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation - 405050-03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation - 405050-03X
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma - 202335_03X
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma - 202335_03X
Left Temporal Craniotomy and Evacuation of Epidural Hematoma
Open Skull Surgeries Performed - 406263-01
Price: From $395.00 to $590.00
Open Skull Surgeries Performed - 406263-01
Open Skull Surgeries Performed
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